Wednesday, May 24, 2017

First TT of the year

Whew... finally it's upon us. Taper week. The Georgia State TT is Saturday, where I'll be doubling up doing the ITT as well as the 2 man TTT (or more like being pulled by Jimmy) which is a long time coming, I'm ready to put some of this training to good use, and full disclosure, I am really ready for an easier week of training! It'll be the first time I've ever attempted a TTT so we'll see how that pacing works out, especially after we've both already done the individual event.

It's also a bit of a last minute taper/prep. The plan originally (well originally it wasn't on my calendar) was to train through it with a mini taper while still focusing on the TN State TT... but since that event is only a few weeks out now and still floating in limbo with no announcement as to whether it is even happening, I thought it was probably best to move my TT build focus forward a few weeks to this event, that way I get a race in that I'm fairly well prepared for regardless of how TN turns out. Ideal, no... but we roll with the punches.

With fancy gold Jagwire link cables

I found a little unicorn a week or so ago as well... the old anodized Cervelo's don't go up for sale all that often for a reasonable price, but I snagged this Soloist in my size and in the best color. I had my eye out for one of these fella's for a while since I have a lot of interchangeable parts from my aluminum P3. I built it up with a lot of stuff from my parts box... 1st gen Omega brakes, a DA7800 crank and FD, some Apex shifters/RD I had planned to use on a cross build. I'm happy with the build, can't wait to hit up some crits on it.

On the Slowtwitch front, Premier bikes was having a little crowd sourcing of a paint job for the Tactical. I submitted two different designs but sadly neither were anything they were looking for. That said, I thought they looked pretty neat so I thought I'd share them.

Camo in general gives me bad memories of the old Quintana Roo's, but I thought the dark blues worked well

I really liked this one. Steel and rivets, calling back to old WWII bombers, or even the Trek TTX with a similar design.

Ahh well, different strokes for different folks and all that.

As for the Giro... well I'll just say that Tuesday was a sh*tty day for Tom Dumoulin. I wonder just how long we can milk that joke? Nothing but respect for him choosing dignity (if you can call stripping and defaming the countryside dignified) over the...other option... Maybe Depends should become a sponsor for the Giro in the future.

Next week... we're gonna have ourselves a race report! Woohoo!

Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it!

- Christopher Morelock

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