Wednesday, September 28, 2016


There is not much to see here this week. I have a bunch on my plate for the next few days. Let me just assure you that next week will be a very interesting (one way or another) report.

Honestly, it feels good. While I'm not quite ready to share what's up either short or long term, other than that I have regained a vision and a dream to work towards. It's been a long time since I was truly focused, had something to really draw me in and (for better or worse) consume me. The best, and incidentally also the worst part of it is that I do not know how it will turn out. I'm doing my best to document the journey, something to look forward to (if you look forward to reading about a random internet dorks inner turmoil / doubts / etc) sometime in the far distance.

For now, I ask only that you stay tuned. I suspect there will be some interesting stuff to write about next Wednesday!

Here we go...

Thanks so much for reading, I really appreciate it! If you have a moment, I'll accept any good vibes, prayers, thoughts, ritual sacrifices, etc this Saturday around 10am!

-Christopher Morelock

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